Our school is mass-muffin making for World Environment Day and I thought white icing would be rather nifty for the theme. Anyway I was wondering if anyone has a quick and easy way of making large amounts of white icing which is muffin-spreadable and just the right texture? ^^
I have a bit of a question for you guys, who, like me work fairly hard at school in all subjects.
Everyone in their school has a person or people who are perceived as being the high achievers, good scorers, possible-dux recipients. These people are those who we often try to overcome in...
This is a questionnaire for Second-Generation Migrant Australians (BOTH parents were born overseas, and you were born here).
It's a lengthy questionnaire so please take your time if you are able. Highlight the corresponding answer.
I have difficulty in finding enough SGM to do my questionnaire...
Hi. I'm currently doing some methodologies for my personal interest project and I am about to write a Personal Reflection on my own experiences. My topic of choice is cultural discrimination in Second-Generation Migrant Australians and how this has impacted their identity.
I was wondering if...
Hi everyone. I'm currently in the process of doing my PIP, as the rest of you probably are, and I need some assistance as to where I could be in contact with Second-Generation Migrants who would be willing to fill out questionnaire or two for me online.
So, my PIP surrounds cultural...
Hi ^^. I am in Prelim Year and I am looking for some novel recommendations for these holidays as extra studies. My interests are Cosmology mostly but anything to do with the universe, preferrably fictional, that you find interesting would be great. If any of you could please post some of your...