who honestly couldnt give a shit about this exam? im a very caring student, i try hard in all of my subjects but seriously, drama examinations are bullshit questions that call for bullshit answers. its not fucking hard. ive had a week off since ancient and i hate that i have to do another test...
im going to ask a potentially stupid but worrying (for me) question. The teaching/arts degree at ourimbah, if i do this, can i become a history or hsie teacher? i know we do an elective of it but will i be fully qualified to teach hsie?
Does anyone else hate this module? It isnt so much that I hate her or the poetry; in actual fact, hers is the first poetry the school has given me that I've been able to relate to and actually enjoy. It's just when I go to write a bloody essay about it, it just all leaves me. I know as much as I...
So which module are you guys least looking forward to/most nervous about? For me its Module B- Gwen Harwood. I know everything I have to know just when it comes to writing it in an essay I freak out and dont have a clue where to start. What's the one that really bugs you?
With a week left until due date, how are we feeling? Are you prepared or do you still have a lot of work left to do? How do you think you'll feel on the day?
For me, I'm a bundle of nerves. My story is completed and edited but my reflection statement is in bits and it needs to sound smarter...