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    Continued Surd

    BHHS 2009 Ext 2 Trial Question 6 part c haha a bit of a strange question that i have no idea how to do.. its just pratically find the limitting value of what i posted underneath =)
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    2008 - CSSA paper - Conics Question

    The questions a bit long so i'll decide to post up the link instead of typing up the question I'm interested in knowing how you do question 6b ii) o__o... strange question if you ask me... no idea how you would do it..
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    CSSA 2008 - Polynomials 4d

    I cant seem to get this question down and i'm not really sure why ><" tried it for like 30 minutes and I couldn't get it would someone be able to post up a solution? The polynomial equation x^5 - ax^2 + b = 0 has a multiple root. Show that 108a^5 = 3125b^3
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    Do state rankings count your inschool marks?

    Do state rankings count only your internal marks...? Or are they based on the average of your internal and your externals?
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    How do you put spaces in latex

    Thread name xD
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    What am I allowed to do in a deduce question?

    My question states (1+sinx+icosx)/(1+sinx-icosx) = sinx + icosx DEDUCE that (1+sin pi/5 + icos pi/5)^5 + i(1 + sin pi/5 - i cos pi/5) = 0 I have to prove that LHS = RHS right, but am i allowed to divide the whole equation by (1 + sin pi/5 - i cos pi/5) so i get (sin pi/5 + icos pi/5)^5 +...
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    Cambridge Q

    Excercise 2.2 if p is real and -2< p <2, show that the roots of the equation x^2 + px + 1 = 0 are non real complex numbers with a modulus of 1. Yes I've checked the worked solutions xP... doesn't seem to explain the 2nd part of the question..
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    The 08 paper for ext 2?

    Could anyone send me a copy if its online..? Anyone willing to send a scan to me? is my email btw :). if your bothered to go that far... thanks!
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    Conclusion to Mathematical Induction?

    Is there a correct, short generic way to conclude MI...? It seems my teachers are always picky on what you write as a conclusion in ur mi statements... ><"... whats a satisfying enough conclusion that most teachers will accept?
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    What exactly is a band?

    Does the band system for alligned marks follow the same system as the SC one? ie 90-100 = Band 6 80-89 = Band 5 70-79 = Band 4 ect...?
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    What exactly is a band?

    Well the title states all, what exactly is a band? Is it the same as the school certificate where a post scaled mark of 90+ = band 6, 80-89 = band 5, 70-79 = band 4 and ect...? or is it a different system?
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    Parameter Question help.

    Sounds simple enough... Looks simple enough... Creates enough of a headache. The point p(2ap, ap^2) lies on the parabola x^2 = 4ay. The focus S is the point , (0,a) .The tangent at P meets the y axis at Q. Prove PS = QS xD. Help please? XD
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    Band E3/E4 for Ext 2

    I was just wondering if anyone know what the marks are usually around for the 4U paper.... for cutoffs for band E3/E4. Raw or scaled I don't really care, but yeah I have used the search function but looking for something with so little text.... = headache.
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    A weird locus question.

    This is from Fitzpatrick 2U A ladder that is 6m long rests with one end on the horizontal ground, and the other end against a vertical wall. Considering the ground and the wall as the X and Y axes respectively find the midpont of the ladder. Well... I got to the answer... I had a few problems...
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    Need 3u Yr11 Cambridge Question Solutions

    Does anyone have the solutions for exercise 8E from questions 23 onward ><"
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    Harder 2U Qs : Quadratic Polynomial

    Well i stumbled across this question and im not sure if i'm doing it right or not because i keep getting really strange answers.... ><" The question goes Find the relationship between a and b in the equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 ; When the larger root exceeds the smaller root by 1. ><" Thanks...
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    Actuarial Studies in uni?

    Well... up until recently i was wanting to do actuarial studies in uni, now i'm just sorta really confused about what i wanted to be, i know i wanted an economics/math based job and i sorta suited the whole accountant type thing but i wanted to aim for a more high powered job... but whenever I...