hey all
i was just wondering what parts of the HSC chemistry course (and prelim course for that matter) are relevant if you want to study medicine (in particular at UNSW).
i've heard that you should be familar with organic chemistry as opposed to inorganic, but i was hoping perhaps someone...
So, i was wonderin whether it was possible to do a year in the Economics course at Syd, and then transfer across to a combined Ecos/Law degree?
if it is, then what sorta marks do i need to get in the first year to make the jump across. i heard they combine uni marks with your ATAR, but i got...
i was wonderin how you could translate an ATAR into a mark out of 500, like what my parents got when they did their hSC
cheers, and i hope you all went wel today :D
i read somewhere (think it was the UNSW website) that the minimum required ATAR was 95.00, but the median was 99.60
so it stands to reason not many people with lower-end ATARs (i.e. 95's) get in
so has anyone heard of someone with 95.00 or thereabouts getting a place? and if not...
just wondering how you'd go about differentiating:
y = sin^-1 f(x)
where f(x) is a function with power of x that DOES NOT = 1
for example... y = sine^-1 [(x)^(1/2)]
does anybody know if we have to rationalise the denominator if the answer has a surd for denominator for the 2U maths paper?
i keep forgetting to do it in practice papers... so it'd be nice to know that it didn't matter
Does anyone have any conflict in europe essay questions from trials or in class?
especially ones concerning the holocaust, Nuremburg trials, or the syllabus point "final defeat 1945"
itd be much appreciated if you post em up
I have this feeling that p platers arent allwoed to drive on beaches - as in 4wheel driving off road. I can't remember where i got this from though
is this true?
hey all
i know there are a lot of p's threads, but none seem to have info i was lookin for..
so just a couple of questions that mayb u cud answer cuz im goin for my ps very soon
how long is the test?
where abouts do you do your reverse parallel park (if you do one at all)? like is...