Search results

  1. W

    Experienced Tutor, UAI 99.95, 3 State Ranks, Maths Ext2(99), Ext1(98), Chem (98)

    Hi! I completed my HSC in 2008 and am currently tutoring for all levels of mathematics, chemistry, physics and PDHPE. Lessons are in St Ives (North Shore), as I have easy access to lots of resources here. [This is just an update of my previous post...
  2. W

    99.95 UAI.State ranking tutor:MathsExt2:99,7th/Ext1:98/Chem:98,5th/PDHPE:97,17th

    Hi! I’ve just completed my HSC (in 2008) and I’m currently tutoring for all levels of mathematics, chemistry and physics. Throughout school, my friends repeatedly asked me for help with tricky questions or asked me to re-explain things when they couldn’t understand a concept - and I loved...