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  1. Weddas

    Database (Access) searching code

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta name="ProgId" content="OneNote.File"><meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft OneNote 14"> Hey i don't know if this post belongs here but i am having trouble finding a way to search a database from access and is connected...
  2. Weddas

    Lighting Design?

    Just wondering who is doing lighting design for the 2010 HSC?
  3. Weddas

    Chocolat -> belonging help

    Hey guys and girls, I’m doing an assessment on Chocolat in relation to belonging and i was wondering if anyone has themes that they could express to me. Note: this is just to see if i have missed any themes or sentences that directly relate to belonging. any help would be great as this...
  4. Weddas

    Question on sorting HELP?

    Hey guys and gals, I was wondering if any one could enlighten me on the similarities of the Insersion sort, Bubble sort, and Selection sort to each other? Looked all through the web and my textbook and there is not a word of how all these are the same to each other. any help would be great...
  5. Weddas

    Lighting Design Concept????

    I was wondering if anyone knows what is required/not required in lighting design concepts? the assessment has crept up on me already, any help would be great. Thanks Weddas;)
  6. Weddas

    Premium Resources Not Working

    getting this error: Warning: mysql_result(): Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 19 in /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/premium-resources.php on line 97 Just got membership and it wont let me get to the resources! Help Please:bomb:
  7. Weddas

    Wanted Max Dupain Notes

    Hey all, Just wondering if anyone has any notes on Max Dupain that is could get off any of you guys. Thanks Heaps Weddas
  8. Weddas

    Wanted Max Dupain Notes

    Hey guys and girls, Was just if anyone had any notes on Max Dupain or any useful websites. Thanks Heaps Weddas
  9. Weddas

    A quick SC question

    Sorry this is a simple question, If i fail one SC subject do i fail the SC? Thanks