Hey all,
I'm looking to replace one of my weaker related texts before the trials and hsc
Both my prescribed text and one of my related texts deals heavily with contrasting and opposing settings, where the protagonist belongs in one but not the other, and I was hoping someone knew of any texts...
I have to do a speech on the textual integrity of 'Beach Burial" along with explanation of two different readings.... I have Modernism down, but am having much difficulty with the second...
Any ideas?
I could probably pull enough information to do Nihilism, but could that be classed as a...
Hey all,
Recently got an assessment task where I have to write a short piece to ASSESS the 'Impacts of medical applications of Physics on society', and was just hoping to get a bit of a discussion of this happening, just to see if anyone can add in some ideas I haven't thought of :)
Anyway, to...
Hey BoS,
Got an english exam on tomorrow on Module A, and I'm studying LTA and P+P... And I'm not much of a fan, lol :P
Anyway, I pretty much understand what we need to do, compare and link the texts by looking at the different contexts, and how this shapes and reshapes the meanings. But I...
Hey all,
I have to write a small discussion on "the implications of mass increase, time dilation, and length contraction for space travel"
So far, I've got that time dilation will make the trip shorter for those on board, which is obviously very handy, when you consider the massive distance...
Hey all,
I'm searching for a poem on family, for use as a related text for a speech. It's going along with As You Like It, and 'Slake's Limbo' (a short novel by Felice Holman, which deals with alienation)
I'm wanting one that highlights how family is valued.
So, any good ideas? I haven't had...