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  1. bigb0yjames

    NASA: global warming/death of animals on earth = Australia's Fault. ROFLMAO!

    this whole global warming issue is getting out of control
  2. bigb0yjames

    Howard to receive Medal of Freedom

    fucking lol
  3. bigb0yjames

    why are arab countries such shit holes?

    LOL at Arab countries. all are fucking jokes. including Dubai. An educated and critically aware Arab population is neither any good for the useless Arab tyrants nor their Western masters. Arrogance, and hollow pride would keep the Arabs ignorant and stupid which is profitable for all parties...
  4. bigb0yjames

    enrollement for 2009

    its 5th from midnight right?
  5. bigb0yjames

    got a PC problem. never seen b4. wtf hapnd?

    hey guys. i turned off my computer last night coz i thought it might be time...and i woke up this morning everything fucked up i got no desktop but just bank shit everywhere. can any1 tell me how to fix this without reformatting?
  6. bigb0yjames

    Do you believe in the existence of Extraterrestrial life?

    It's a question of probability. It's highly unlikely that we are the ONLY life form in a vast universe (which we know next to nothing of). This is a fascinating question, and one that will most likely not be resolved in our lifetimes. Just think, what other life forms might be they...
  7. bigb0yjames

    seven pounds (2008)

    its available on torrents....LOL...anyways i watched was O.K. 6/10
  8. bigb0yjames

    PC on 24/7

    just wanted to know...last time my computer was off when we had a black 2 months ago.. is this dangerous? no1 can be bothered turning it off. i also timed how long it takes to turn on. approx 90 seconds. family is just lazy. but should i start considering switching it off...
  9. bigb0yjames

    The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

    wow. watched in on boxing day and it was beautiful. i highly recommend everyone to watch this masterpiece. its not perfect, but its will leave you asking yourself questions about life in general. make sure you go in with an open mind. id give it 8.5/10