Sorry for the delay everybody. I won't be able to release these until probably around 11pm or so because I'm teaching swimming until around 9:45pm tonight, but then I'll be hungry and want to eat dinner so make that closer to midnight.
I'm almost done, but spent most of my time explaining a few...
I hated this paper. Typing it was a massive bitch to do compared to previous years. I'm also going to post some memes here too.
Usual stuff here everybody. Comment if you see errors but I think we should mostly be good. I've taken care to explain things as much as I can to aid understanding...
Here you go =)
Let me know if you see typos!
Eugh the paper is so long.
Not particularly difficult or interesting. NESA needs better HSC examiners (hire me pls).
Up to Q16 atm and have to do a few diagrams, so won't be too long hopefully.
If you're wondering about my opinion on the paper, I reckon it was a pretty difficult paper compared to other years actually.
Most recent draft...
Apologies for not getting it done as soon as I usually do. I could only start at around 8pm when I got home from work.
This is a first draft so please let me know if there are any typos!
My feedback on...
Hi all,
Here are the papers and solutions for Extension 1 and 2.
The document containing the results can be found in the post from Trebla below.
Highest Extension 2: 72/100
Highest Extension 1: 52/70
Thank you all...
Thank you all for attending today!
Here is a dropbox link containing today's exam paper as well as fully worked solutions.
Hello all,
Welcome to another year of our series...
The new draft syllabi can be found here:
I won't list them all as there are so many changes! I especially like the idea of an investigation topic for students (weighing 20-30%).
It also seems like matrices...
Full link here:
Not applicable for 2016 HSC students, but I figured that some of you may be interested. I've bolded the more interesting changes.
For the lazy or on Tapatalk:
establishing a minimum...
Was sorting out my photos from my trip to Vietnam last year and found some photos that I thought some of you may appreciate.
One of the children was in Year 10 and was doing inequalities that we do in Extension 2 Year 12 here in NSW! A lot of the inequalities there were well beyond Extension 2...
As you all know, the gears are now moving to work towards constructing the new Mathematics syllabus, for all levels of Mathematics.
Here is the Draft Writing Brief for the calculus-based courses (Advanced, Extension 1 and 2 Mathematics). The proposed course contents are listed starting from...
Again, please let me know if you see any typos or calculation errors (which I am rather prone to)!
Here are the results and documents for the Extension 1 BOS Trials!
Again, these are by no means a reflection of the difficulty of the HSC (the HSC is significantly easier than these papers) so please don't...