i just wanted to know for software do you need to study any of the preliminary dot points. I have the preliminary textbooks and just wanted to know if i should make notes for or is it just a waste of time. If there is any prelim can you tell me how much there is
I am really getting confused about time dilation. What i am thinking is if you were an astronaut traveling at near the speed of light what would you see. Would you see time around you going slower or would you see time around you going faster. I would assume you would see time going slower. But...
Does anyone know how much of the preliminary topics are in the HSC. I have heard from people that 20% of the HSC is prelim work but the recent trials i did didnt seem to have any prelim.
I know about the photoelectric effect that when a metal is hit with a electromagnetic wave it releases electrons. But were does it release the electrons. Is it into the air?
This is more of a question of curiosity aimed for people who know. But is there an alternative to tree diagrams. How do people calculate the probability of events that require massive tree diagrams that cant be drawn
I have heard from alot of people that if you get a rank of say 20 out of 30 internally and come first in the actual hsc exam you will get the mark of the person who came 20th in the hsc is this true?
Does anyone know what polarization means. I read this sentence " Hertz was able to show that, like light, the new electromagnetic waves could be polarised."
Sorry if this is a stupid question but i have the trial for English standard coming up and i don't know how the questions are laid out. I am pretty sure it is the same as the HSC but i don't know how that is laid out either. The English trial goes over 2 days do we do a creative writting?. could...
I just wanted to know if in the HSC do they only ask questions relating to the syllabus dot points. Because i noticed in the jacaranda text book they give more information than the dot points.
For example in the space topic the jacaranda text book gives a definition for mass while there is...
Has anyone seen the new physics in focus book? it looks really well laid out as it has the syllabus dot point and then information. If anyone has it could you tell me if it is any good.
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