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<HR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d1d1e1; COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- google_ad_section_start -->I just came to Australia at the beginning of year 10.
I'm choosing subjects for year 11, and my school does not offer ESL.
Should I move schools because of ESL?
Because I...
I just came to Australia at the beginning of year 10.
I'm choosing subjects for year 11, and my school does not offer ESL.
Should I move schools because of ESL?
Because I know that when I do ESL, I'll get better grades than doing English Standard which is something that I'm not good at.
I'm now in year 10, selecting subjects for year 11.
I don't know should I take Chinese Background speakers or Japanese Beginners?
I came to Australia at the beginning of year 10......
I'd done chinese since year 1 to 9 at another country....but I heard people say that chinese background...
I came to australia at the end of year 9. Was from a chinese school in another country all the while. Do you think I should take Chinese Background Speakers or Japanese Beginners as my language subject for HSC?? But some say that chinese background speakers scaling is not good.....
I really...