Just wondering what the hell it means to get a GPA of 5.5?
so that that equates to 2.75/4 per semester? what kind of marks does that equate to.
with credit point averages, does that mean u can say pass a subject, get a distinction, and aslong as it averages out to be a credit your still all good?
Thats the question. i was originally going to work hope fully the equivalent of 2 full days during uni, but now that ill be doing 6 subjects per semester, whats my employment situation going to be? im thinking one half-full day a week.
if i do the recommended 10hrs each week for each subject...
Just wanted to see who else is planning on doing nursing, what uni, expectations and all that.
i decided against UTS b.midwifery in favour of b.nursing (advanced) at UWS. everyone thinks im mental for choosing a 'lesser' uni, but im excited
what made u choose nursing?
I was wondering whether anyone else found anything weird when re-opening their textiles MDP box because i opened mine yesterday (after telling myself i wouldnt for a long time) and i saw a piece of wood as i was pulling my dress out. needless 2 say i wasnt happy at the thougth a piece of wood...
Hey, currently my average for general maths is about 83 and in the exam i know ill come away with 87 easily, but hopefully around 90+. just wondering what thet would scale to if my raw internal and external averages around 86-7? i would love to get a band 6, but dont know how likely that is...
i know for me this is becoming increasingly scary. the uai i need has risen and to make it worse theres only one uni in the state which offers my course. how's everyone else feeling bout their uai? i know i wish we had some form of estimation guide to know how we're going... if only
how does every1 feel after handing it in? thoughts on their mark? happy or not with the end product and folio? what did u make? anyone think they'll get into Texstyle??