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  1. Divided_By_Zero

    Is UWS actually a university?

    Alot of people I know say it is actually just a (not all that) glorified tafe.
  2. Divided_By_Zero

    Subjects you Dropped/Picked up/ Changed?

    The thread title says it all: Picked up: 4U Maths Dropped: SDD, Photography
  3. Divided_By_Zero

    Atar estimate plz =)

    I'm only in yr11, but i have a good idea of where i expect to be ranked. Physics (3/20) Ext 1 maths (3/30) Ext 2 maths (3/8) Standard English (1/60) Engineering (2/12) School rank 250ish What do you think? For a couple of these my estimated rank is a little pessimistic :P haha could possibly...
  4. Divided_By_Zero

    Momentum - need serious help :/

    I get everything else OK just not momentum: The question says: A model of a 60kg man and one of a 25kg child were place into a 1000kg car and secured with seatbelts. The car was moving at 70kph (19.444ms^-1) as it was crashed into a brick wall. a) If the collision took 0.2 seconds. calculate...
  5. Divided_By_Zero

    Booking for 2010?

    Me and some mates are going to the goldcoast for schoolies. When do you reckon we should book? Can you get rooms for 3 people? we were planning on meeting most of everyone else up there and just book for the 3 of us. Also any tips or advice you have from your own situation trying to book...
  6. Divided_By_Zero

    Advanced or standard?

    As yr11 ends i'm faced with a bit of a dilemma, I'm first out of 60 in standard English without too much effort, should i move up to advanced? keep in mind i hate English (pointless subjective crap) and would rather not subject myself to more complex torture. Will everyone elses rubbish marks...
  7. Divided_By_Zero

    Is this normal?

    Well let me start by saying i regret picking SDD, and i'm glad 4U maths will allow me to drop it. My teacher has made us spent this whole year on Q Basic (Which can go die in a fire) and only 2 weeks before the Prelims he went through all the theory with us and called it "Revision" even thought...
  8. Divided_By_Zero

    Don't Panic!

    School Certificate is a joke, really, enjoy yr10 while you can, it's true yr11 is much harder (But not insane or anything, but a definite step up) I put no effort in at all (read: no study - not even in class) and i got over 80 in everything, even geography, which i got D's in all year and made...