I'm trying to enroll into the "3640 - Electrical Engineering" undergraduates program for my first year session 1. Following the recommended program ENGG1000, MATH1131, PHYS1131, COMP1917 i had earlier successfully enrolled with "auto timetable".
But later I wanted to change the timetable and...
Applying for the course at UNSW, 425002 B Eng (Telecom/Elec/Photonics) 91.00 (V) with an ATAR of 93.85. With bonus points from HSC Plus putting me to 95+ what are the odd of getting an offer during this round?
Isn't the Atar only calculated acording to the raw marks so the aligned marks doesn't affect what atar you get?
So why are people caring so much about getting a band 6?