i'm so disapointed in my artwork. . and feel like just giving up. is this normal and is it probably just because ive been looking at it for months?
i'm really scared now.. ive just run out of ideas
I have a PDHPE assignment due soon and have done some filming. I have all the small clips combined into one movie in .WMV format and wish to convert to .MP4 so that I can edit the footage on iMovie. I've tried Leawo converter but it added a watermark logo on the video which I can't have.
Hey Guys,
I have an informal assessment due next week (highly inconvenient).
I need to research and analyse two artists and how they portray personal experiences in their works through the subjective frame.
Please some artist suggestions and thanks in advance :)
My ideas are coming to my head and then evolving instantly to a point where I am now just so lost.
I know what I want to express but have no clue how to express it.
Most of the people in my year group are starting their works now and I really want to start but just have no pathway that I...
My subjects are:
Gen. Maths
Stand. English
Business Studies
Visual Arts
Music 1
I've recently gotten a little nervous.
Have I made it hard for myself to achieve a relatively strong ATAR? (In the 80's)
Is anybody thinking of doing Graphic Design for their 2010 BOW?
or has anybody done it for their HSC already?
If so, what does it involve?
I'm thinking of doing ti and don't know what we're supposed to really do as I chose to do this just before the holidays and never really had it...