Search results

  1. R

    Surive Law - "Why I Loved My Clerkship at Freehills"

    Hey Guys, There's a new post up on SurviveLaw that we thought the Bored of Studies crew might find interesting. It's part of our Clerkship Roundup series, this article is a spotlight on the experience of a student at Freehills. Anyway, we'd love it if you'd check it out: Clerkship Roundup –...
  2. R doing interviews at the Law Careers Fair this Friday

    Hey Guys, is totally going to be at the Law Careers fair this Friday (26th, Sydney Convention Centre, Darling Harbour), running around (almost certainly dazed, caffeinated and confused) with a camera, doing our best to find the most interesting exhibitors and students to...
  3. R has just re-launched!

    Hey Guys, Just wanted to do a little shout out to let everyone know about the newly refreshed We've just relaunched, and figured there might be a fair bit of overlap between this forum. There's plenty of stuff on there about careers, clerkships, internships, graduate jobs...