What is the difference between sample and population standard deviation?
wth does standard deviation even mean? can someone please explain in simple terms?
Thank you
So i had really long hair but it was a bit dead so i thought well its 4 weeks before formal i should cut it now, to give it enough time to grow back a bit and for me to get used it it. But the dumb bimbo cut all my hair off and i hate it and im not going to get used to it. So i've decided to get...
I suck at probability and these questions are annoying me so bad! I see how you get the answer to some of them but i can't find the reasoning... can anyone explain any of these to me?
1. There are five women and six men in a group. From this group a committee of 4 is to be chosen. How many...
One of my best friends recently got a girlfriend and hes too scared to tell her about some of his hobbies (playing computer games), now i told him if he was just going to use her, then lying and hiding is okay BUT if he wants a real relationship he should tell her because hes not being honest...
I'm getting so confused with this. How can we explain that a historian now can be anyone but before it had to be the educated upper class man? Why has it changed?