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  1. B


    Hey guys, I need some help with Q 12 from cssa 2010 (attached below). Which one would be most correct and why ? Thanks ^^
  2. B

    1997 Q9 b help

    Hi guys, I need some help with the last part of this question: The answer I get is 0.7 mg, but the solutions says it's 0.4 mg. Any help ? Thank you :)
  3. B

    tutoring place ?

    Can someone recommend me a tutoring place for a year 10 student with small classes or one-on-one, experienced tutors and reasonable pricing. Located in the Bankstown/ Canterbury area Maths most importantly but i don't mind doing english or science... thanks :) don't bother suggesting...
  4. B

    quick science question

    What are the advantages and disadvantages for developing a model in science ? Why are they used ? Does anyone have any information on this... thanks ! :)