Is anyone else using Judith Wright poems as their prescribed text? There seems to be NOTHING on here about them.
What poems are you using for the exam tomorrow and why?
I'm using Request to a Year and Platypus, purely for the fact that they're the ones we focused on in class.
I'm making study notes using the Board of Studies Table of Outcomes and Objectives for business studies.
Can anyone explain what the outcome "The student explains the impact of the global business environment on business role and structure" means?
What would i write in notes regarding this...
If teenagers could please complete this survey, that would be great.
Please note that questions 9 and 10 have 2 questions in them. please answer both.
Can anyone please help my outline the poetic techniques?
'Martin and the hand grenade'
Martin displays the grenade, the class pauses
for history. With his father's bleak skill
Martin edges out the firing pin, indicates
the chamber where the powder went; he fingers
the serrations...
Hey guys,
I need a related text for distinctively visual, prefferably one that relates to Run Lola Run.
If anyone has one that would be great.
Thanks :)
PS: these texts need to be written.