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    Are business colleges expensive?

    i thinking of doing a business course in university, but i dont know if im gonna get a high enough atar. i just want to know what people think of business colleges and are they worth it or is is better to transfer to uni from tafe.
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    Are SIBT courses in macqaurie university expensive?

    im thinking of doing an SIBT course if i dont make it to university thought the hsc,i just wanna know are SIBT expensive and are they good.
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    so ive pretty much failed hsc. what are my options

    im going very poorly in school and i know my atar is going to be really bad what are the choices i have in going to university. im currently getting about 50% in all subjects will i still recieve my hsc certificate.
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    do they make the trial exam through past hsc exams?

    ok so i have my trial exams in 2 weeks all i wanted to ask is that does all the questions in the trial exam, do they come from the past hsc questions? thanks in advance
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    would this be a good uai?

    firstly i dont really consider myself an intelligent just a person who works hard with no natural intelligence. The subjects im currently doing are 2 unit maths,english standerd,geography, business studies,legal studies and ipt. i wanna be reasonable here and say that it will probably be...
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    should i drop down from 2unit maths to general?

    hey guys this is my first post,so im currently in year 12 and i thinking of dropping down to general maths,year 12 started last year for me and there was one test already which i got 66% i think the weighting of it was 10% or 20% im not sure i dont remember this was in 2 unit maths. i got one of...