Hi, i'm doing a BA, and just wondering about cross listed units of study. I'm just wondering if the pre-requisites for one course apply to another.
So i'm doing a cultural studies major, and am interested in doing this course Units of Study - Department of Media and Communications - The...
I'm doing a few subjects in arts where they tell us to do readings before and after lectures and tutes. Just wondering if were suppose to be taking notes while reading, or should we be doing that in the lectures and tutes
I just realised that my belonging essay had been prepped around having one related text. I have another but it only really relates to one of the issues i'm discussing. So what i'm asking is, can you have a second related text only relate to one issue in the essay, or does it have to be...
We just had our last english standard assessment. It was super easy, being open book and we were allowed to bring in two pages of notes. So I practically disguised my essay as notes, which the whole year did. I got 15/15 for it, which I'm happy. My english teacher said the essay was a band 6 in...
ok my school rank is in the 300s, dunno exactly.
Trial mark - 26
Cumulative rank =38/95
Ancient History
Trial Mark - 65
Cumulative rank 10/15
Business Studies
Trial Mark - 72
Cumulative rank 19/47
Standard English
Trial Mark - 81
Cumulative rank = 7/70 (still have an...
Ok i have a dilemma with ancient atm (no its not an ancient orientated question). I switched schools at the beginning of the year, and at my old school instead of doing P&H first we did the national study Augustus. My new school however has chosen Julio-Claudians as the national study. Now the...
Ok started a new thread because I just realised that other thread was quite old and no one answered my question. So here goes.
What i'm wondering is what I would need to be accepted into a residential college. My family is moving to France at the end of the year so I really need to find...
Just wondering if we would get marked down in the hsc for repetitive use of the same historian. An example is i'm atm doing Agrippina and historian Anthony Barrett has written a book about her. I've read it and it contains a lot of useful quotes etc and i constantly use him in essays, so his...
I have this question on Albert Speer which i'm struggling on. I have answered it and the essay is below, I just feel it is not the best and would gladly appreciate some help in making it a really good essay. thanks in advance btw
question - "Significant people are always surrounded by...
It would be great if you guys could estimate my ATAR atm. Thanks in advance
School rank - 192
Studies of Religion I - 21/94
Ancient History - 11/15
Business Studies - 17/47
Standard English - 20/70
General Maths - 37/49
Modern History -12/27
Also the school has to estimate my...
I have an ancient assessment speech on Agrippina dealing with her influence on Nero. I'm all set on the information, just want to know if anyone has some good tips for ancient history speeches in general or to do with the topic
e.g. level of detail or the manner the speech is presented...
Well the title is practically it. All i'm asking is, do you need to use or have a sophisticated vocabularly within english essays. Do markers care if it isn't there or should I invest in increasing my vocabularly for the HSC.