can anyone confirm whether sufficient services will be available for students to go to the university and make their timetable/ tutorials etc? More specifically acu?
i recently got accepted into speech pathology and have enrolled for my semester 1 and 2 units ( 4 per semester ). Anyway each of these units state a value of 10 credit hours. Does this mean I am at university for 40 hr/week or because underneath this it states semester load of 0.50 that it's...
My girlfriend is leaving for the phillipines in january and as such won't be able to configure her own timetable for uni. As we are doing the same course ( granted we get admitted) is it possible for me to organise this for her so that hers and my own timetables match?
How hard is it to internally transfer at Macquarie after a semester from B.Comm to B.Comm/LLB ? Or is this an unnecessary venture for someone interested in forensic accounting, auditing or dependent on my life style preferences a few years from now investment banking?
I'm sitting HSC this year...
Okay so I had until yesterday planned on doing undergraduate medicine, however my umat was well below the cutoff and i'm not going to be a .95er. So with that said, I need a new undergraduate degree to pursue, however I really cannot decide! So in short, any advice would be brilliant!
As I am...
So today I got my trial back and I got 98% :D
I now have an official internal percentage of 98% too :) :)
My school is 114th and has 57 kids doing cafs .. I'm ranked 1st
Think I can state rank? Not sure how it works exactly, but I'd like to think I could ....
Hey everyone, I just need some quick help regarding pre requisites ...
If my atar easily exceeds the entry requirements, however I dont have a pre req ( I do standard not adv english) , would I still be considered?
So i've applied via UAC for newcastle and une medicine, however I can't seem to find the individual jmp ( joint medical placement ) forms, on either website or the jmp website itself :/ Anyone know where it would be? It says the forms are available in August, but I can't find it ...
On a side...
So I want to apply to CSU - Dental science but I don't have the prereq's .. Is it worth applying still, Or will I just be overlooked completely ?? Atar estimate from careers teacher is 98.10 if that helps and csu state that I need a min of 90 ??
So my aim is to eventually study an mbbs as either an undergrad after year 12, or as a grad .. I can't decide however upon what I'd do as an alternate undergraduate degree. Here are my options:
Bachelor of Nursing ( advanced studies ) - Usyd
Bachelor of Science ( Major - Anatomy or...
So I'm a GWS student meaning I only need to acquire a 93.50 to meet the threshold for med .. I'm currently on a 95.15 (according to my schools estimate ) .. Was wondering if I applied for rural or bonded placement and achieved said atar, good umat and interview would I be anymore likely to get...
So I still have until week 3 of the upcoming term before trials and I was wondering where I could find past papers ... I've already got all the old ones found on boardofstudies, and have all my schools own past trials/ half yearlies etc .. Was wondering if there was a data base for old catholic...
An aeroplane takes off from an airport and flies on a bearing of 220 degrees for a distance of 570 km. Calculate how far south of the airport the aeroplane is ...
Now I know this should be easy, But I just can't wrap my head around drawing this ..
It's holidays ( laughable considering the impending trials .. ) and I was wondering what all you guys are doing .. So far I've completed all my notes and am now just using them to answer past papers .. I'm hoping to do some UMAT stuff nightly also .. Curious to see if you guys will be going hard...
So I've recently done more exams and was wondering about what you think my atar may be .. (all my percentages are averages of all my results combined for that subject )
Pdhpe - 96% (unknown approx top 5/121)
General Maths - 84% ( 15/198)
CAFS - 91.33% - ( 1/62)
Senior Science - 93.33%...
So for numerous months now I've been searching for how many clinical hours are done throughout various B. Nursing degrees with luck .. I sorta really need to know because uni preferences need to be done soon .. .Any help welcome!
Please and Thankyou in Advance :D
School rank 114th, is a selective school for just year 11 and 12 if that makes any difference ..
PDHPE: Rank - 15/121
100% - 15% weight
100% - 15% weight
84% - 20% weight
Gen. Maths: Rank - 20/198
80% - 15% weight
80% - 30% weight
100% - 15% weight ( average for this exam was 65 - study...
Just wondering if distance is the only reason that CSU's med science programme has an ATAR requirement significantly lower than all the major 'city based' universities? Thanks in advance for any answers :)