Do the hidden unemployed receive unemployment benefits? They aren't actually counted as unemployed, but does that mean they don't receive these benefits?
Hey guys, can I get a rough idea as to what ATAR I might get?
My ranks are:
Adv. English - ~65-70/121
Economics - 2/50
Chemistry - ~15/88
3U Maths - 8/100+
4U Maths - 1/43
School rank is in the mid 20s. Ideally, I'd be looking for around 97+, but i only really need around 95...
At the NSW State elections, a pre-poll survey found that 50% of the electorate were
in favour of the sitting member, 40% were opposed and 10% were undecided.
If three people are selected at random, find (giving your answers as percentages to
the nearest whole number):
(i) the probability...
Hey everyone,
I'm just wondering whether policies such as taxes on goods or services that are environmentally unsustainable or subsidies on more environmentally-friendly goods are microeconomic policies or macroeconomic policies. I'm thinking that they're microeconomic policies, but if so, what...
The volume of a sphere is increasing at a rate numerically equal to its surface area at that instant. Show that dr/dt = 1
I thought this would be quite straightforward, and it might, but I don't really have any idea as to where to start :/
a polynomial P(x) has equation P(x) = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d where a, b, c and d are real
I. the polynomial must cut the x-axis at least once
II. if P(alpha) = 0, then P(conj. alpha)=0
are both these statements correct?
for what values of p does the equation px^2 - 4x + p = 0 have real roots?
the answer is -2<=p<=2, but i was wondering, can p=0? because it just asks for real roots, and if p=0 then x=0, but does that still count?
Hey guys,
Draw a sketch of a possible curve that is differentiable in the domain -a<=x<=a
How would you sketch this, if the endpoints of a curve aren't differentiable? Would you have a continuous curve and then just mark the points x=a and x=-a, and make the part in between those values...
hey, these are my yr 11 ranks, and i know things can change, but i wanna know what kind of atar i'd get if these were the ranks i got in yr 12
english advanced - 93/166
maths extension 1 - 2/127
maths 2 unit - my school doesn't have 2 unit ranks for people doing 3 unit in yr 11 but i'm...
hey all
i've just started 4unit this week and so far we've done some work on ellipses and hyperbolas, but there's this question that i have trouble with:
find the equations of each of the following conics. sketch each curve.
a) focus (3,5), directrix 2x+y-4=0, eccentricity 1/3
b) focus...
i'm just wondering, what's the difference between destructive and non-destructive chemical reactions, and would the dissolution of ammonium nitrate in water be destructive or non-destructive?