Would i be disadvantaged for choosing bachelor of education (early childhood and primary) at acu if i solely want to become a primary school teacher?
Hi, i managed to get in my first preference which was bach. of edu at acu. However, i now want to add a new course to my preferences.So what do i do? Do i decline this offer and add the new course as my first preference to be acepted in the late round?
im only aiming for an atar of 75
eng. standard- 18/112
gen.maths- 41/78
ancient history- 9/71
cafs- 6/36
business studies- 19/58
school rank- 300
im only aiming for an atar of 70
my ranks are -
eng. standard- 18/112
gen.maths- 41/78
ancient history- 9/71
cafs- 6/36
business studies- 19/58
school rank- 300
so i recieved my yearly report today and im having a little trouble understanding the ranks. There are 2 ranks listed for each subject..one is the position in group and the other is the final assessment rank. Which one do i use if i want an atar estimation? Is it the final assessment rank...
school rank - 250
Gen. Maths= 34/74
Stand. english=30/116
Ancient History=12/ 73
Business Studies =30/57
CAFS= 9/37
im aiming for an atar of only 70
how are you guys studying for it ?
you think i can cram all the topics in one day ?
the topics im doing are-
p + h
New Kingdom Egypt to the death of Thutmose IV
Minoan Crete (only the first few syllabus points as we havent finished it yet)