doing my hsc at the moment (should be studying now) and this is my number 1 preference for next year..
can someone who is doing/done this degree tell me their opinions and thoughts?
thanks :)
Had Paper 1 of English today, raped it. Expecting Paper 2 tomorrow to rape me though :(
Wishing we had the extra two weeks of study in the July holidays like most of you guys have though!
Looking forward to relaxing a bit while you're studying, however. ;-)
School Rank: 160
Modern History 5/28
History Extension 5/10
Economics 11/19
Advanced English 100/218
Studies of Religion II 9/118
Advanced Maths 81/108
please and thank you:)
I probably seem extremely naive for asking this question but here goes..Most people on this forum are generally aiming for atars >90 or around that. Why is it that i never ever see anyone receive an atar ~30/40 mark? Family friends of mine recently completed the hsc and got an atar of 52, even...
Sorry if this is a surprisingly thought-provoking/deep thread but i can't sleep and want to talk aha. But in five years time, where are you? Finished uni? Travelling? Retired? Tell me.
Personally, i see myself just finished an architecture degree, and having a year off travelling Europe w/ my...
so ive raped my holiday studying and have put myself on a good start for the hsc, my friends are all on holidays and its dogshit weather. I've decided that now is an appropriate time to begin "scouting" for women for schoolies. Some of you may see this as a little premature, some may even think...
soooo, i was with a girl for 14 months and it was the best time i have ever had in my life.. however, she cheated on me a month back and i have been an absolute train wreck since. anyways, we have both done the logical thing and gone our seperate ways and started living up the single life, but...
Hi there, i am currently doing Pleminery course and I have maintained pretty good marks in all my assesment tasks for modern history this year. (80% 88% and 9.3%). Was contemplating dropping Maths Ext 1 and picking up History Extension. Is it worth doing? Are you happy with the course...