Like title says which one is better?
A lot of people tell me UNSW COMM > USYD COMM but they never tell me why or have any solid evidence apart from the blah (better facilities)
So i decided to check it out myself on their websites and also by using
Can anyone help me out with this MC?
when they say x = e^-2X for x=0.6 and x=0.7 ....................
You first have to rearrange to like ----> fx = e^-2x - x or fx = x - e^-2x
But how do you know which one to rearrange to? they both give different values if you sub x = 0.6 or 0.7
Heres another...
For the short answer sections are you allowed to write under the lines they rule? Also for the short answers their are 2 pages of extra space writing at the back of booklet, if you run out can you ask for more paper for short answers?
Okay guys on face value this question may be easy but if you think about it might not be...
Most people would obviously say the budget is seemingly contractionary (NOT DEEPLY!) however by definition contractionary is when the government wants to decrease the level of economic activity in the...
My teachers have been saying that belonging has been studied for awhile now, so that there is a possbility that they might ask for 2 related texts (previously they have specified 1 related text then at least 1) and also for Immigrant Chronicle Skrzynecki they might ask you to do specific poems...
Q: If another country (foreginers) wants to invest in Australia (e.g. equity investment for the resource sector) do they need to convert their money to AUD?
i know that exporters want to be paid in their own currency so importers need to convert their money in foreign exchnage markets but i...
Just a few questions that i would like the answer to =D
In Physic and Chemistry you are allowed to answer questions using dotpoint form and tables, yes/no?
In Economics (specifically) you are not allowed to write over the lines (for short answers section) or it wont be marked, yes/no?
Farr out most confusing DP ever, poorly explained by my Jac textbook sigh...
My Understanding:
1. When a photon of sufficient energy is absorbed by an electron in the junction region it creates a photoelectron and