So I am currently living 6 hours away from UNSW and obviously have to move up there within the month to start in semester 1. At the moment I have little idea where ill be living. I have applied for residence at the Kensington colleges and for Shalom college. I am yet to hear back from either of...
Hey, I just got a call from one of the proffessors of the engineering faculty at uow. He basically said to me that if I make uow my first uac preference (its currently second behind UNSW engineering), that they could offer me entry into the course I wanted and be part of the scholars program. Is...
Hey guys, living in regional NSW I cant really get to any of the Sydney Unis. I want to study engineering and I am filling out my UAC application now. Just wanted to know your opinions on the campuses of the Unis up there? (UNSW, UoS, UTS). Ive been to a few of the Melbourne-based unis and I...
Hey, just wondering if you guys know of any more cadetships being offered for next year, preferably for Mechanical or Mechatronics Engineering? I have applied for the one BlueScope Steel currently offer, but am struggling to find other similar ones out there. Im super excited for the future...