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    Personal Voice

    Hi, I'm doing Ondaatje for Mod B, and was just wondering, how do you effectively convey your personal voice to the marker? What kind of phrases do you include, coz I realised I pretty much only included something like "My personal response encompasses..." in the intro/conc, but how do you...
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    At least one related text wording

    What's the likelihood of BOS specifying to make reference to only ONE related text (as in 2009 and 2010)? Because last year and the year before, they said "AT LEAST one related text" which leaves room for 2 texts like I have :D And if they specify "ONE related text" and I do two anyway, do you...
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    Magnetic Flux and Position of the coil

    In a generator, why is it that flux is maximum when the plane of the coil is perpendicular to the magnetic field lines? Coz isn't there more flux lines cutting the coil when it is parallel to the magnetic field :S when its perpendicular, I keep visualizing that the flux lines are just passing...
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    how does einstein's contribution actually relate to black body radiation?

    I know Einstein was able to explain the photoelectric effect and that Planck was able to derive an accurate equation for black body radiation curves due to his assumption of energy quantisation, but what more did Einstein do to explain black body radiation? Taken from the dot point: Identify...
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    band 6 maths extension 1

    hey i was just wondering if i got below average for my first assessment and half yearly exam for maths extension 1, is it still possible for me to get a band 6 in it? :( ahh so devo about 3u :(
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    HSC Marks Question

    If there are very few people (e.g. 5 people) in your class who are doing French Continuers, who are all pretty good at it but they all get (slightly) better marks than you for school exams, is it still possible for you to get a mid band 6 (92-94)? How do people fare generally in French...
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    To ex-year 12's who did really well (99+ atar), did you take 10 units or more?

    Just wondering who did really well and took 10 units? Because I'm thinking of dropping to 10 units because I don't particularly think I can do well in one of my subjects so it won't end up counting anyway.. :S So to those crazy geniuses, do you think 10 units is better or 12?