Is it normal for first years to struggle/fail some of their subjects within the first year ?
So far i'm somewhat coping with the material although I feel as though i'm slowly struggling as the course goes on.
When calculating GPA, does the first year weigh less than the years after ? I've...
Well .... long story short I got a job as a footwear sales assistant at Rebel Sport.
I don't know anything about sport footwear.
Can anyone just give me a basic run-down of different types of shoes, it's purpose, variations, etc.
I start next week and I am pretty screwed if anyone asks me any...
When applying to Medicine, do you need to complete one full year of any university degree before you can be considered eligible to apply into medicine ?
E.g. I plan on sitting the UMAT this year and hopefully getting into Medicine next year, however UNCLE requires applicants to have completed...
Background info:
I've always been interested in both Computers and Medicine, and being born into a very 'computer-oriented' family, i've never had a Computer related question unanswered. However no one in my family has any experience in Medicine, so naturally my curiosity just tumbles into a...
If I receive an Early offer but don't accept it, am I still eligible for a main round offer ?
I'm thinking about putting Bach. Medical Science at UWS as my first preference so I can get an early offer, but I also want a main round offer for Bach. Computer Science at UoN.
English Std: 78/77/78 Band 4
Maths Gen: 78/80/79 Band 4
Business Studies: 88/82/85 Band 5
Business Services: 91 Band 6
IPT: 93/92/93 Band 6
School rank: 500+
Matrix saids ~85
What do you guys think ?
This stupid motherf**king accelerated kid snaked the first rank by getting his brother to do his assignments/projects for him ....
Now he's bragging about not studying for the exam and how he'll just repeat year 12 IPT ....
So will his performance drag everyone down ?
I usually walk into an exam knowing about 70-80% of the content and i'm always in a sort of blank state ..
How do you guys feel walking into an exam ?
P.s. A 70-77 Raw mark in Business Studies is a band 5 right ?
I found the exam to be pretty good ... I think I scored at least 80%, maybe scraped enough for 90% ..
Does anyone know if this subject will ever scale up ? lmao
This is what I got for multiple choice:
1) a
2) b
3) c
4) a
5) b
6) d...
I do low scaling subjects and I have a feeling I barely scraped 70% for General maths. My next exam is Business Services which is scaled down for anything <80 and the externals are 100% of the HSC mark.
I have a feeling i'll only get like 77 for Business Services lmao.
So say I get Band 4...
I walked out of the exam feeling like shit :L I think I barely scrapped a 70% ....
I was averaging 78-85% in past papers/trials but this exam today fucked me over.
Anyone else think so ?
And what do you think Band 4/5 would be for this year ? lol
I've always answered all short questions in dot points because that's just the way I think/write.
But after looking at some band 6 papers, I've noticed that they write out in paragraph type of responses.
So what's better ? Stick to dot points or try and articulate them into a paragraph ? lmao
Avril (This fucking slut I hate her.) is planning an overseas trip for 2 years and estimates that she will need $800 per month for expenses. How much should she deposit in her account paying 6.8% pa compounding monthly for her trip ?
What formula should I use ?
I sort of memorised a specific structure for Module A, but that's about it. I'm going to wing Module B and C.
Anyone else winging it ? Or have you memorised 3 generics lmao
Anyone got any tips for Section 1 ?
Honestly, some of the questions are stupid as f**k. For example, the book cover question in last year's paper ..... I THOUGHT IT WAS A WINDOW T_T
What are some overall tips ?
And what's the order you guys do the sections in ?
I do 3, 1, 2.
oops I meant to say "ATAR estimate", dam auto correct.
School rank: 500+
Subject + Rank + Internal assessment mark + Trial Mark + cohort strength:
General Maths - 7/141 - 78/100 - 64/100 (lel, cut me some slack, I just dropped down from 2U) Extremely weak cohort
Business Studies -...