Well Chem is my final exam :) and I guess it is the same for many of you on here, so pumped for tommorow!, oh... and my condolences for those who do visual arts :(
So what are you guys going to do if you receive a question based on this dotpoint (in CM&M) in the HSC?:
• gather, process and present
information on the features of
the local town water supply in
terms of:
- catchment area
- possible sources of
contamination in this
With only less then a week remaining for Chemistry, I thought I would get you guys back into the spirit for it :)
Please post up any questions on here so that we could all discuss answers to them :argue:
For those who are struggling with the ten marker source based analysis questions, here are some notes to help you write a response:
I hope this helps, It did for me :)
Ok, so I have two things that could help you guys get a rough estimate as to whether you will be able to attain a band 6 for a particular subject:
1)Brettymaccs raw mark data base (will give you a rough idea of how some subjects align in the HSC):
2)Searchable file of distinguished...
Well I realised there wasn't a thread for this yet, so I'll start one :)
So how many pages did you guys write for each section in Paper 2 English Advanced?:
I wrote:
In case you guy's haven't realised there is a sample booklet available on the BOS website which you can use to practice with, predominately for English:
Best of luck for paper 2 tommorow guys :)
So for Module B, is reffering to different Readings (e.g. Postmodern/symbolist/Postcolonial etc.) imperative? , I've used various critics to validate my own thesis.
P.S. Im doing Yeats' poetry
So for this Module is reffering to different Readings (e.g. Postmodern/symbolist/Postcolonial etc.) imperative? , I've used various critics to validate my own thesis.
P.S. Im doing Yeats' poetry
Is it okay to dwell on areas within the syllabus that are most likely going to be asked, take for example Germany 1918-1939: Its most likely going to be about the Depression or Nazi Racial Policy, or just study hollistically?
So with the English exams closing in on us in about a week or so, I would like to know how you are going to approach each exam, in terms of the order in which you will do each section and the theoretical time allocation for each section.
Heres mine:
Paper 1 AOS: Belonging
1)Short answer...
So if you guys could please give an ATAR estimate it would be greatly appreciated ;)
School Rank: Usually deviates between 50-60
Final Ranks:
Eng adv - 84/230
Math 2u - 8/144
Math 3u - 11/78
Chemistry - 11/118
Biology - 4/102
Modern History - 16/41
Thanks guys :spin: