Helloooo there! :hug2:
I am a 2014 HSC student with an ATAR of 97.5 and currently a first year Business/Law student.
Current Status
LOOKING FOR STUDENTS!! EMAIL TODAY, REPLY WITHIN 2 HOURS at the.clockworkcookie@gmail.com
I'm offering both online and offline tutoring to both Year 11 and 12...
Since Year 12 has just started I thought now would be a good time to evaluate the preliminary results and see whether or not I am on track for my goal ATAR.
Below are my rankings so far.
I am yet to receive my yearly report but I have received the results back and so I combined them with my...
Just a general questions I can't seem to find a satisfied answer with by asking everyone around me. If someone chose not to do maths for yr 11 and 12 what options are actually available? I know to get the maximum choices you should do maths + a science subject or maybe general science or...
I just started Year 11 and at the moment I am so confused about all of my subject choices. Below are the list of all the subjects I am currently doing:
English Advanced
English Extension 1
Mathematics Advanced
Modern History
Business Studies
Society and Culture
I am...