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For sale current edition Excel biology, food technology and design technology textbooks $15 plus postage depends on where you live
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Hi, for my short story I need a slogan/motto kind of thing, kind of like 1984. “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” or WAR IS PEACE
It is dystopian and an underground city, highly...
Hi, i don't know what course i should do at university because i am one of those all-round students. I do Biology, general maths, 4u english, DT and Food technology. I was thinking about Marine Biology but it requires chemistry and maths and i don't really like either of those subjects. i did...
What should i do for my DT major, i'm thinking along the lines of something environmentally friendly, or for helping the less fortunate (disabled etc.) In the areas of graphics, crafts, Food technology..... what are some issues out there? or needs? or concepts?
hi...... I'm not sure if i should do EE2 or DT for year 12. Im getting pretty much exactly the same marks in both subjects.
I am independent
I am better at assignments than exams
I feel that DT is more work than EE2
If i did EE2 i would probably do a short story but i'm not the best at them...