Just wondering if anyone else was concerned with their pe marks? I always got nearly 100% all through Yr 12 and was ranked first but hsc mark was only 87 and assessment mark 91 so ended up with 89 but I paid to have it rechecked as I was really expecting higher but am also concerned about my...
My school was ranked 187 in last years HSC and I was really hoping for a 98 atar not sure if possible or not
Advanced English 1/62
Extension English 1/25
Pdhpe 1/44
Chemistry 2/18
Advanced maths 2/21
Extension maths 4/6
Biology 4/36
i am doing extension English year 12 the language and gender option and my related text is pride and prejudice which has worked so well! however, i am concerned that because pride and prejudice is a prescribed text in an elective for advanced English (i have not studied pride and prejudice in...
for the core health priorities in Australia, for one of the disadvantaged groups that we have to do along with
aboriginal and torres strait islanders, my teacher has chosen the disabled. however, she hasn't given us much
information on them, is there any other resources I can use for this...
my teacher has asked us to talk about
Ursula K. Leguin's speech a left-handed commencement address and relate it to the 'community of practice'
idea. i was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to link this or any good analysis' of her speech
from the internet etc?
i was thinking of doing spelling by margaret atwood
as a related text for language and gender but am finding it difficult to understand and
analyse just wondering if anyone had some analysis on it or knows of any good websites??
i wanted to do the book
jasper jones by craig silvey as a related text for belonging,
does anyone know if that is a good text or has any analysis or knows
of websites that analyse the book and specific techqniues that
could be linked to belonging?
i just wanted some helpl with some ideas for my first english assessment task
for yr 12!
it says to create an imaginitive piece that explores how a sense of belonging emerges from connections
with a community.
i was just wondering if anyone had any good ideas as i am not that creative...