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  1. 1

    FOBE200 - Serious Games in Business

    Just got invited to apply to do this subject, apparently it's invitational only based upon academic results.. Anyone know anything about this unit? Apparently it provides opportunities to network and work with business leaders and stuff, it fills an elective slot. However, it's provided by...
  2. 1

    Enrollment error

    "Error:Requirements have not been met to enrol in the specified class. The enrolment transaction was not processed" I get this error whenever i click "Enrol in ALL courses", i thought maybe it was because of prerequisites, because i haven't yet lodged my credit application and the only course...
  3. 1

    Parking for night classes

    Hey guys, i heard parking is a nightmare at UNSW during the day if you don't get there before 9 am, but what is the parking like during the evening? I like doing night classes (4pm-10pm usually) and was hoping that the parking might be a little better during these hours as opposed to the middle...
  4. 1

    2nd year finance maths

    Hey guys, I finished my first year in a Bcomm - Accounting last year at Macquarie and will be transferring to UNSW to do a double major in Accounting and Finance this year. I was concerned at the start of my first finance unit last semester that i would struggle, because i dropped maths in year...
  5. 1

    Transfers and GPA

    If i transfer into the same course at a different university do i lose or keep my GPA/WAM? Even though i can claim credit on all of my subjects. MQ --> UNSW for reference