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  1. W

    If only cooking was easier...or it is?

    No one likes having to shop with their mum and dad, particularly for stuff in the kitchen. It's awkward and just as frustrating as having them show you how to cook. What if there was a cookbook that tells you how to cook cheap and easy meals that a uni student could afford with hints and tips...
  2. W

    Who else struggles with cooking?

    I don't know about you but when I moved out and had to cook for the first time it was freakin' hard. I felt so gumby and had no idea what to do or how to cook anything other than toast. Does anyone else have the same experience or know someone who is about to move out and is dreading the...
  3. W

    Who struggles with cooking most: Males or Females?

    Do you think males or females struggle more with cooking independently when they have moved out of home? I think males.