Hey guys,
i completed my HSC in 2015 and am offering English tutoring for both high school and primary school. I did ext 2 english for my own HSC and received a band 6 for adv and ext1 as well as a high E4 for ext2. I am looking to tutor in parramatta, and am charging reasonable rates...
Hey all!
I am doing my HSC this year, successfully completing 4 units of English as part of my secondary education. I have always loved english and have developed a deep passion for the subject, and its reflected in my marks, ive been ranked consistently 1-3 in the subject since i can remember...
Hi everyone! I have been thinking of making a guide like this for some time since I would love to impart some of the knowledge and skills I have picked up through my Preliminary year. Another BOS’er, rumbleroar also created a thread which is amazing and definitely worth a look too! Now, onto the...
Hey everyone!
So I tried to keep one of these for my preliminary year but that ultimately failed so im determined to keep one for the HSC! This journal will basically show progress through my last year of school and hopefully keep me more on track and up to date in terms of my work.
My subs...
Hey guys just a quick question, what's the domain of this function?? I've been told it's 2<_ X <_ 3 but then I distinctly remember my teacher saying that it was X>_ 3? Explanations as well please!! Thank you ^_^
I think I posted this in the wrong thread before oops
Hey all, I'm a year 11 student looking to get into medicine which obviously means I'll need to sit the UMAT next year. I wanted to know the best way to prepare for this, is medentry the way to go? For those who've done medentry or are...
Hi all, I am a year 11 student looking to go into medicine and therefor need to sit the UMAT next year. I really don't know what the best way to prepare for this would be, to those that have done or are doing medentry is it worth it? Do you think it has assisted you in achieving a better UMAT...
Hello everyone, who here has applied for the national youth science forum 2015? How did your application go ? Which session did you apply for ?
Hopefully, I'll see you all there ^_^
Well seeing all the 2014'ers have journals has made me want to start one now hahah
Well my subjects are:
Ext math
Ext English
Society and culture
Watch this fail, lel
Hi all,
I'm in year 11 and we've been told that our first society and culture assessment will be in week 9 and that it'll be a test. For subjects like chem and bio, I usually make notes and I would revise over them. But I'm kind of at a loss as to how to Study for society, the teachers said...
Hey everyone,
i am looking for a tutor to teach me preliminary chemistry in Parramatta Library, . Plese PM me or leave a comment down below,
thank you! :)
Hi all !
Just curious to know what my fellow year 11's do after they get home from school ( no, not in a creepy way ). What is your general routine after you get home from school?
Hey guys!
I'm in year 11 right now and I was wondering where you can get past papers for specific topics for prelim? I'm having trouble finding any :( thanks
Hey everyone!! Seeing as the year 11 community on BOS has expanded quite a bit and now that we've actually begun our preliminary HSC course I think it would be appropriate that we have some sort of communal study group to offer encouragement and support to each other. I suggest skype or even...
Hi guys :)
This has been troubling me for quite a long time so I thought I'd make a thread about it to see if I could get any advice. Since year 11 is starting this year I desperately need to know how to properly write notes and summaries for my subjects ( in my signature ). In the past I tend...
Hey guys! Roll call for everyone doing ext 1 this year in grade 11! Let's hope we all survive in one piece ( metaphorical of course ;) )
My names Em leave yours down below
Good luck to everyone and have a great year :D
Hey guys!
I'm starting year 11 this year, so I thought I would start a thread so that I could offer advice and answer any questions you guys might have about stage 5 :) I'd like to think myself experienced enough to be able to give you adequate advice so leave your questions and queries down...
Hi everyone :)
I am really excited to be entering year 11 this year but I am extremely confused as how to organise my subjects so that I can keep track of everything and revise easily. My subjects are: ext Maths, ext English, chemistry, biology and society & culture. If someone could please...
Hey everyone!
I was just thinking of this myself so I thought, why not start a thread ? Share what you hope to do in the future, your career goals and ideas about the future, even which subjects you most enjoy in school! I'll go first:
I really enjoy English, it is my favourite subject however...