For AGEN1004 I have something called an extra tutorial that runs in weeks 8, 10 and 12. All the information I've found about this unit just says it has a 3.5 hour prac and a 2 hour lecture, nothing about this extra tutorial. Do any other units have this? Does anybody have any idea what it is
So I'm a first year Agribusiness student and on my timetable I can get the lecture for Business alone on Wednesday (I can't move that to another day though) and it ends up being a pretty good timetable. I was wondering what the chances are of me skipping this lecture, especially considering...
Decided to join in on the fun, though I am pretty nervous.
School Rank: about 350
Advanced English: 16/67
Gen. Maths: 5/120 (a bit salty over this)
Biology: 8/60
Agriculture: 3/17
Modern History: 5/16 (strong cohort, surprised I came 5th)
Chemistry: 14/36 (drop subject, barely passed...
My problem with the BSc is I'm unsure what I would major, other than knowing it would be in the Environmental field. At least Science in Agriculture puts me on a path. This is if I fail to get into USyd's Food and Agribusiness course. Also, is the flexibility of a BSc a good thing? I mean, what...
Anybody know of any really good pens? I'm a slow writer (about 10 minutes a page) so a good pen would be really beneficial. Most of the pens I've used that I thought were helping weren't actually making much of a difference. So any tips? I've heard good things about Uniball and Roller Ball pens.
So I'm having problems with each of these subjects and I need guidance on which to get rid of.
Agriculture: The problem with Ag is that there are only 4 or 5 people in the class that care and I came 2nd out of a class of 20 though I barely tried either. This year its probably fallen to 3rd or...