In the past few semesters, due to a few reasons, I have failed 1-2 subjects every sem leading to an academic standing of suspension for 1 year at UNSW. After this result, I realised that the course I'm currently studying is really just not the right course for me, whether it'll be the workload...
I'm currently studying at UNSW, but want to transfer to Usyd for a different degree. I was wondering how long an ATAR is able to be used as the selection criteria for this transfer. I know when transferring to UNSW, you can use your ATAR for up to 5 years after you get it. I was just wondering...
I dropped from doing engineering commerce to just commerce. But the problem is that my physics exam is tomorrow and i have a computing exam on thursday. I was just wondering that since I'm going to do just commerce, do i still need to pass those subjects as they are unrelated to commerce.
I'm currently studying engineering and commerce at unsw. But lately i've been wondering if doing the engineering is really worth all the effort, fees and time since once I graduate, I want to work in something finance related, such as banks or even investment banks. If I do drop engineering, how...
I started at UNSW this year and have a few questions about WAM calculations. Do we get a WAM every semester, and a final WAM at the end of the course which is the average of all the WAMS? and if we do a double degree, do we get a separate WAM for each degree or a combined WAM? Thanks
I'm currently studying engineering and commerce at unsw but I figured that I would prefer to go into banks/ investment banking when I graduate. So I was wondering if my engineering marks (WAM) would play any part in me getting hired or would they just mainly look at my commerce marks. Also I...
I'm currently a first year ear UNSW doing engineering/commerce. I'm really worried about my WAM right now for engineering since I think i screwed up this semester and can only get a low credit. Is it still possible for me to get a distinction avg WAM for engineering by the time I finish the course?
I'm going to start engineering/commerce this semester at unsw, but I was wondering if next year I decide to transfer to med, which uni's i'll be able to transfer to and what requirements I'll need. Thanks!
I was reading through the actuarial studies at UNSW and it says that they only offer part 1 of 2, so I was wondering what that means and where I will be able to get part 2. Also, does doing the combined degree with commerce help or is it just a waste. Thank you
I was just wondering what the job opportunities are like for civil engineering in sydney, because i've heard mixed responses, and also what is the pay like, because I've also heard mixed responses on that as well.
I heard that having unexplained absences on the year 12 yearly report can be quite bad, is this true? and what effects would it have on your future. Also, do unexplained partial days count as full days? Thanks!
Hey guys, just wondering what my current atar estimate would be post trials.
School rank is in the 30s, and it was in the 30s last year as well.
Subject ranks:
English Adv : 62/140
Maths X1 : 39/108
Maths X2 : 19/54
Chemistry : 35/109
Japanese Continuers: 1/7
and if I do really good in...