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  1. Q

    Rounding off Stats

    Is it OK to round off stats to make them easier to remember? Say for example, if the unemployment rate is 8.7% or something, could i just round it off to 9%?:confused:
  2. Q

    UNIBALL JETSTREAM: 1.0mm vs 0.7mm

    I've heard good things about Uniball Jetstream pens so I was thinking of buying a few myself. Which size should i get? I want something similar to a 1.0mm ballpoint pen, which is what i currently use, but I've heard that the 1.0mm jetstream is too thick.
  3. Q

    Adapting your Creative to the Stimulus

    I know that it is encouraged for people to incorporate the stimulus in a non-literal way, but is it OK to incorporate a stimulus literally? I feel like that would be a lot easier to do. E.g. If the stimulus is a picture of a book, could i just include a road in my story instead of trying to...