So I'm still trying to decide between civil, electrical and mechanical engineering, and don't want to make that decision yet.
However, I'm trying to decide whether I should take Comp1917 or Comp1911. On the UNSW Civil engineering handbook, it only lists comp1911 as an alternative to engg1811...
Hey guys,
Was just wondering if the cutoff atar for the Medical Science (Provisional entry to MD) is likely to change at all? I'm sitting on the cutoff from 2014 (99.6) and stressing out rn. If it was 99.65 or 99.70 this year, would it be likely I would still receive an offer?
How would you write the equations for addition and condensation polymerisation???
Specifically cellulose for condensation and polyethylene for addition.
In Module C (People and Politics), is there any chance they could nominate a poem from W.H Auden given the fact that Module C Questions usually apply to the whole list of texts?
Hey all,
If any of you don't mind, could you please post up the essay question that you had for Module A in trials or half-yearlies for 1984 and Metropolis?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
How do you deduce the direction of an eddy current?
So for example, how would you do it for these two scenarios?
Note that 2) is just a magnet going from a region of greater magnetic flux to one of less...
Hey everyone,
Kind of stuck here since I don't have much time left til trials and I am in need of a second related text for Frank Hurley: The Man who made history.
My first one is a movie, so i'd prefer one that is in the form of an essay, speech, short story, etc. If you have any...
Can anyone please tell me the properties of rubber and how they relate to its uses, the problems associated with the use of rubber and the current solution to these problems. All help is appreciated!
Here is the question.
P is a variable point on the standard hyperbola with focus S. PT is tangent at P and ST is perpendicular to PT.
Show that T lies on the circle x^2 + y^2 = a^2.
any help is appreciated
Can someone first please explain to me what exactly into and out of the page means (I know how to label it), just wondering if someone could give me a definition.
Also, please explain the direction of the force on a charge, the direction of movement of the charge and the direction of the...
Would we need to be able to make implicit and/or explicit links between our related and core text in our essays (regardless of the essay question). So for example, 'Frank Hurley' (core) and 'Platoon' (related) both display the destructive nature of conflict/war. In our essays, would we need to...