Hey guys, was just looking for an estimate ~~
School Rank: 60-70
English Advanced: 39/253 - Around top 60 is b6
Business Studies: 10/105 - Around top 20 is b6
Legal Studies: 4/38 - Around 8~ is b6
Modern History: 11/30 - Around 6~ is b6
Economics 16/63 - Around 6~ is b6
Personally, I feel it is our teachers to blame for the rapid decrease in Australia's education performance.
Anyone here interested in creating a small group where we could bounce ideas and the like? I'm doing Germany for my National Study and with the half yearlies coming up it would be nice if anyone was interested in helping each other out with syllabus points and coming with with arguments etc. I...
Just a quick question regarding if I can/how to analyze non-fiction texts for my potential related text for Discovery? I was planning to do "Mein Kampf". Upon asking my teacher, she explainined that the lack of techqniues wouldn't be able to attain the marks, no matter how good the analyses...
I just completed the General Maths prelims a few days ago and I did my best in it.
But since I'm dropping it, for some of the questions I didn't answer them seriously. I had a go at every single other question to the best of my ability but would they just use maybe 1~3 non-serious...
My subjects right now are;
English advanced
Business Studies
Modern History
Legal studies
I understand this is prelim but I was wondering how much the drop from general math would impact my ATAR? My 2u marks right now aren't greeat , I bombed every test so far...