Hi everyone,
I graduated in 2018 with an atar of 97.2. I'm selling Band 6 notes, they are extremely detailed and comprehensive and will be super helpful!
PM or comment below for more info, price is negotiable xx
Are the ATARS directly comparable between years? Like is a 98 atar in 2016 the same as a 98 atar in 2018, or not really as you’re competing against a different cohort each year?
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Okay guys, With only a couple of days until Paper 1, how have people been preparing?? So I can either feel better or worst about myself [emoji23]
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Was anybody ever suprised at their HSC results / ATAR?? Or was it exactly how you expected?? Like you didn't expect 6 band 6s but actually got band 4s and 5s ahah
Hiii I have a question. If I'm ranked third in a subject, relatively close to the top two, but the entire cohort performs badly in the exam, will I get dragged down? Apparently there is a "huge gap" between me and 4th, so I'm closer to the top two than the rest of the grade
I can't believe I'm actually asking for an ATAR estimate, but here i am lol
Final Rank // Trial mark
Ancient History 1/22 96%
Biology 2/37 83%
Community and Family Studies 1/39 91%
English Advanced 3/41 83%
Studies of Religion II 1/24 90%
Aiming for low 90s is this achievable if...
For all those who have already done their HSC, did you marks come back exactly as you expected them? Higher or lower?
? I just feel like with all this aligning and moderating and the fact complete randoms mark your work it just makes it so hard to predict what you can achieve?
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Calling all past band 6 Bio students!! I was just wondering what kinda of raw marks were you getting throughout year 12 (e.g for half yearlys and trials) thank you!!!
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Hi All, just wondering, for those who did really well in their HSC (band 6s and stuff) how did you best utilise this time between trials and HSC? How did you improve? What things did you focus on?
Thank you!
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Hi, just out of curosity, what are people's cohort averages for trials? Like for English (advanced) ours was in the 60s, maths in the 40s and Biology in the 30s approximately; in my opinion they are really low so I was just wondering if this was similar or different for other schools
Thank youuuu