My average internal mark is between 35 - 45%, My rank is 24/25 (non-selective school) , is there any way from here i can get an E2, and for the miracle chance of E3, or should i just not bother, any answer is appreciated at this hard time
Hi guys, , ive been using atar calculators to see what hsc mark i need to get an atar over 90, pretty much your hsc mark needs to be over 85 in order to get a 90 atar. Disregarding the minor changes between years + scaling. Could you confirm if my theory is true that you need a 85 hsc mark for...
everytime i seem to get on thehsconline, it doesnt work.
when i open a past paper it says "retrieving file information" and never leaves this page.
Ive signed in an done eveything i can to fix it.
your help is much appreciated thanks.
everytime i seem to get on thehsconline, it doesnt work.
when i open a past paper it says "retrieving file information" and never leaves this page.
Ive signed in an done eveything i can to fix it.
your help is much appreciated thanks.
what is up people?
im currently in y12 right now, but in year 11 i had a horrible chem teacher which resulted in me being demotivated to study for chem. long story short, i learnt absolutely nothing that whole year and deeply regretting it. i would say i only know 20% of the y11 new chem...