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  1. HazzRat

    2025 Federal Election Thread 🇦🇺

    It’s time for another political thread. Comment on your election thoughts below.
  2. HazzRat

    The 2028 U.S. election thread 🇺🇸 🦅

    1463 days till election. Let’s start this cesspool.
  3. HazzRat

    HSC over survey

    I just finished my hsc with eco this arvo. When you’re done here r some questions: Predict your atar Predict your band 6s How r u going to fill the void in ur life? How r u burning ur notes? R u doing schoolies? If so where?
  4. HazzRat

    How have you been procrastinating?

    Now that it's hustle period, and we seriously need to get our asses studying, in what creative ways have u guys been procrastinating? During this period I've slowly become addicted to google street view - i.e. putting the street view person in a completely random place and exploring it. Hong...
  5. HazzRat

    should i join the priesthood?

    Free housing in the second most expensive real estate market in the world Health insurance provided by the Church Clothing, transportation, and discretionary spending fully subsidised A Church-sponsored retirement benefits plan Fully subsidised tertiary education Free annual retreat for...
  6. HazzRat

    Last minute LAT study

    How r u guys preparing for that lat? I reckon I’m gonna look at the Oj Simpson defence to learn some ‘legalese’ and then do some practise responses.
  7. HazzRat

    What are all the good clubs?

    I'm not talking about clubs as in nightclubs, but instead UNSW clubs. From ppl there, what are the good clubs to join?
  8. HazzRat

    What should be the biggest age gap in a relationship?

    TIL Macron’s wife is 25 years older than him.
  9. HazzRat

    The 2024 U.S. election thread 🇺🇸 🦅

    89 days till election. Let’s start this cesspool.
  10. HazzRat

    Should Joe Biden drop out of the race?

    At the moment it feels like if Joe Biden stays in the Dems are getting pounded, and if he drops out the Dems are getting equally pounded. It’s not looking pretty.
  11. HazzRat

    Does anyone know how uni rankings work?

    According to the QS world uni rankings, usyd and unsw are ranked 19th. The lowest atar I found to get into unsw is the Bachelor or Arts with a mark of 66.15. So in other words, you don’t have to be a genius to get accepted into it. However, lower down the rankings are the University of Chicago...
  12. HazzRat

    Should I pay an Indian to do my two math assignments?

    Hey guys, I have two math assignments these holidays: mx1 and mx2. Both are worth 50 marks and I can not be sacked. Although paying an Indian this time may require fewer man-hours, I would want to hire at least a university-level student so they get the questions right. I'm thinking this...
  13. HazzRat

    What's your no-atar backup?

    Hypothetically, if you got a mystery mark, what would you do?
  14. HazzRat

    How would I answer this?

    Analyse the rationale behind the use of microeconomic policies by the Australian Government and the impact of these policies in pursuing Australia’s economic objective of economic Growth and External Stability. What sort of things should I talk about in this essay? I think I'd have enough to...
  15. HazzRat

    What are some good lenses to write an English essay from?

    I'm making a list of some good lenses to consider when creating an English essay thesis. Atm I've got: Psychoanalytic Femininist Marxist Post-modern idk what are some others.
  16. HazzRat

    How would I even answer this?

    “It is as if we were reading a graphic novel in which the protagonist is wandering around the city and running into people he knows, but their speech balloons are all empty.” – (A Sad Monologist by Laura Karttunen) Analyse the presentation of subjectivity and self-perception within the text An...
  17. HazzRat

    Premier's Anzac Memorial Scholarship Guide

    Last year I got into the Premier's Anzac Memorial Scholarship, which is basically a free trip overseas for NSW history students. As applications have opened for this year, I'll be writing a rough guide on how to get in. To apply, you have to write a cracker 1,000-word essay on why you're the man...
  18. HazzRat

    Should I quit my job 😕

    My work just upped my hours, and now they're forcing me to work 3 afternoons as opposed to 1-2. That's a ridiculous amount of work for hsc. So what do y'all think about me quitting my job? Here are the pros and cons of me leaving anyway: Pros: I already have quite a bit of cash in the bank...