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  1. nirvanalvr

    Dropping a class

    Hey guys, I'm writing this for advice on whether I should drop a class. I'm in Year 12 and have 12 units. Recently, I got accused of using Artificial intelligence (AI) in my society and culture assignment, which I never used!) I had a meeting, and they decided they would not give an N warning...
  2. nirvanalvr

    prelims over

    anyone like pretty much finished their prelims and are just so cooked as in mental and physical healthwise. I've got my last test tomorrow and have come down with a sickness that I know is just going to get worse anyways I am just yapping to see If anyone relates
  3. nirvanalvr

    early entry

    hi guys, I was wondering if uni entry is something hard to get into. I'm currently in year 11 and my prelims are starting next week. My grades atm before prelims were: B for English Adv, C for Ext Eng, C for standard maths, B for society and culture, B for investigating science, A for legal...
  4. nirvanalvr

    English Extension Question for Essay

    Hi, I was just wondering if anyone who has previously written an essay for the prelim exam for extension English would be able to help me determine the question that I will have to write about. Here is some information: The module is Texts, culture, and values. My two texts are The...
  5. nirvanalvr

    yr 12 pip ideas

  6. nirvanalvr

    Can I do this for my PIP?

    hey guys i'm currently in yr11 and studying society and culture, as term four is approaching I am thinking about my yr 12 PIP topic. I either wanted it to be about the reason why everyone/teenagers need to have third spaces in contemporary society or something to do with kurt cobain and...