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  1. E


    Are there any prerequisites for Bachelor of Law degrees? Like anything common like maybe legal studies or business or smth? Everywhere I look I cant seem to find anything about it and I cant even find it on the uni websites.
  2. E

    Work exp

    Anyone know any Law firms that will take you in for work experience? Either have been there or known someone who went? (Year 10)
  3. E

    selectives hast (mainly yr 11 entry)

    Has anyone actually ever got and offer for a selective after the HAST testing or even ended up going to the school? I'm genuinely 95% convinced this is all a setup and we're just desperate kids wanting to get in and spending our time doing something we won't even get into and the people...
  4. E

    Fort st entry Yr 11

    For entry into Fort Street I have to write a 700 word essay using prompt: “There is no better teaching than adversity”." Discuss this quote, including some reference to your own experience of learning. " Can anyone give me a vague idea or tips on how to structure this essay? Thankyou
  5. E

    Doing the HAST (YEAR 11 ENTRY)

    If anyone has done HAST for entry into YR 11 for either Girraween, Sydney Tech, or Fort Street, could you please tell me about the main components of it of any other information you remember? Thanks.