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  1. krisspy

    Hecs and units...

    So i received my tax invoice thing and im confused to as what im suppose to pay... So it says "Opening balance" and its all blank and balance payable as 0. Then it says "commonwealth Supported fee Type - From 2008" Assessed amount - 3, 600 Sponsor ammount - 0 Student amount - 2,900 Due date -...
  2. krisspy

    Transferring to here....

    Hai guys, I was wondering how UTS assesses (sp? lol) the marks for transfers in terms of uai/gpa/wam. Like what are my chances of getting in with a uai of *coughseventyonecough* and only Maths for Engineers 1 at the end of 1 year (have to do maths for retards thus posponding maths 2 for year...
  3. krisspy

    Sub major...important?

    Hai guys, I was important is a sub major? Will it actually make/break a job opportunity or is it something one can live without? This is because im doing B Engineering and ive decided to use one of my electives to do Maths for retards (Fundamentals of maths) now its either...
  4. krisspy

    Contribution Fee

    Hey guys, For the HECS help thing on the enrollment steps I ticked the box to pay a contribution of $500 bucks to get a 20% discount (woot! :)) im wondering...where do i pay the $500? do they mail me a receipt or something or is it in the Student website somewhere? And are the student...
  5. krisspy

    Can't select units

    Hi, I just filled out my enrollment thing on the MySR up to the HECS part. But now i cant access the last part "unit selection" is this normal? or do i have to wait till tomorrow? BTW, for the unit sets i actually added Civil (im doing BEngineering) in and ticked on the box "Primary" was I...
  6. krisspy

    Failing uni..

    I got an offer for a Business course at UWS but now i want to do engineering... what happens if... I fail 2 subjects in the autums semester...can i do them again later? I find out im not going to make it through the 4 years, how do i change subjects/uni?
  7. krisspy

    Bridging + engineering

    Hi guys Im planning on doing a BEngineering course for uni next year and i was wondering about th bridging courses offered. Unfortunately im only a band 5-6 General maths student (i got lazy to do 2 unit) and ill be needing to take 2 bridging courses for Engineering. I was wondering how this...
  8. krisspy

    Macq. City college

    i just read the old article about the city campus and i was wondering many things... well it says on the article that "students who do not qualify for university will buy degrees from the Wynyard campus" a lil slow so bear with me... what do they mean by "buying" a degree? i...
  9. krisspy

    Construction management/Engineering

    Is construction management similar to plain civil engineering? Whats it like in terms of difficulty and is the maths as insane or is it more focused on planning and less building?
  10. krisspy


    Can anyone tell me about the level of maths used in these areas? Im not retarded in maths but i did only general for HSC with a band 5-6 average.
  11. krisspy

    B Business and Commerce

    About this new course they have, how many of the 19 key programs do you actually chose?
  12. krisspy

    Financial Manager

    I was wondering if anyone has any info about this job? Im finishing up high school this year and i do have plans to go to uni for a business course and i was just wondering, what kind of jobs should i try to go for to help me get the managing position?
  13. krisspy

    Civil Eng.

    Hey guys im about to finish yr 12 this year and was interested in Civil Eng. but i dont think i can handle it. Can anyone taking the course tell me about the kind of maths needed? Im only doing General atm and im looking at 80+, im also doing physics. Also what do you do after you finished your...
  14. krisspy

    Related Text: LOST

    I was wonering if the tv show LOST was any good for my related material. It has some conection to Shakespeare's Tempest and also takes viewers on the bigest imaginative journey. Also, can i get some suggestions on other possibly good related materials? i got a bad imagination when it comes to...