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  1. M

    Writing A Personal Reflection for my PIP Help Me!!!

    I was wondering what you guys knew about writing a personal reflection in my PIP. Can you give me any tips or stuff about it? Or tell me where I can find stuff? My PIP is about and the way that they are stereotyped as spoilt brats so as an only child myself I wanted to give input on it. Also...
  2. M

    Writing A Personal Reflection Help Me!!!

    I want to write a personal reflection for my PIP that I have to do but I was just wondering if any of you guys could give me afew tips or tell me a site or sumthing to do with this. Pleasse help me if you can!!! :o I would appreciate it sooooooo...... much!!!!
  3. M

    PIP:Survey.HELP!! Spoilt brat or Lonely only

    Spoilt brat or Lonely Only? For my Personal Interest Project I am looking at the stereotype of the only child and what societies views are on the subject. So what do you think of the only child? I am interested in your views and would really appreciate if you would just take a minute and do this...
  4. M

    Spoilt Brat or Lonely Only? Please take a minute to complete my questionnaire

    Spoilt brat or Lonely Only? For my Personal Interest Project I am looking at the stereotype of the only child and what societies views are on the subject. So what do you think of the only child? I am interested in your views and would really appreciate if you would just take a minute and do this...
  5. M

    PIP: The Only Child Syndrome HELP!!!!!!!

    In Society and Culture for my PIP I am doing a survey of opinions on the only child experience. What do you think? Are all only children necessarily "spoilt brats"? Please help me out and take a few minutes to answer my questionnaire. Thanks...