has anyone been? would be good if you could tell me what im up for in regards to medical/psychological tests. i've got mild eczema which i hope doesn't compromise my elligibility.
been on my mind for a while. throughout my life i've never drunk much and never really got into drinking/parties etc. i just don't react well to it and don't seem to enjoy it as others.
outta curiousity are there heaps of straight edge people out there?
i have noticed though, as a result i...
this will probably spark a lot of arguments but anyway discuss.
is it just me or do you rarely see beautiful girls who come from a poor/struggling background.
was just curious because i went to bondi today for the first time in ages and everyone there(the girls at least) were just gorgeous...
And yes i have tried googling this but there seems to be no one answer.
I normally do weight training 5 days a week and 20 minute cardio on 3 days.
I'm eating a fair bit of carbs/protein but trying to avoid oportos/fast food so i can cut down on fat.
I'd say i'm a bit of an ectomorph, i'm...
hey anyone with the UAC 2009 guide can they please just quickly look up UAI cutoff for Bachelor of Construction / Arts Int Studies for UTS
Thanks heaps.
hi i'm doing journalism/law at the moment and wish to transfer to construction/arts. I've tried googling and i'm still not sure how to apply. Is it through UAC or UTS. Am i too late?
i've almost completed my first year of my current degree.
any help would be great thanks
got my first law exams next month and i have no idea how to make notes. do people just summarise every seminar topic they've done in the semester? what's a sufficient amount of pages normally.
so gonna phail.
Hey since L&R's getting a bit boring i need a bit of help with a different matter.
Met a girl at this party got her number etc etc. She wasn't a stunner or anything but something drew me to her, she called me to catch up one night had loads of fun, no akward moments went around til like 2 am so...
because i drive to the city most days i was wondering how the fuck do people reverse park in the really really tight spots. like especially newtown when you're trying to find one and you cbf'ed finding an easier one 2 km away. i normally just do one turn, reverse, then once im at a 45 angle full...
english adv - raw trial mark 65 trial average 58 rank 17/53
eng ext 1 raw trial 74 trial average 65 4/7
gen maths raw " mark 67 trial average 52 22/63
mod hist raw raw " 57 trial average 55 8/21
music 1 raw " 83 trial average 72 3/16
Studies of religion 1 raw trial 32 trial average 35 26/63...
english adv - raw trial mark 65 trial average 58 rank 17/53
eng ext 1 raw trial 74 trial average 65 4/7
gen maths raw " mark 67 trial average 52 22/63
mod hist raw raw " 57 trial average 55 8/21
music 1 raw " 83 trial average 72 3/16
Studies of religion 1 raw trial 32 trial average 35 26/63...
just did a practice paper for english king lear. is anyone else having trouble writing all the words in your head down. i did 9 pages in 42 minutes and we're supposed to do it in 40. but even though i eventually finished going over 2 minutes a bit, most of my words are fucked and illegible. it's...
was trolling in one of the boredofstudies forums and i found this in one's signature and it really made me realised, all of that has happened to me.
probably a cliche topic but i honestly want to know why girls go for every option but the...