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  1. T


    i dont understand this uai stuff. BUT. i you have crap ranks, average marks and then study real hard and get high marks in the hsc exams. does it still get you no where because of your crap internals? ....
  2. T


    is there anyone out there who has done their hsc and been pretty much lazy for the whole year, studied their arse off for the hsc exams and pulled off a uai in the 80's? when i work, i can get the marks i need, im just really lazy. i finally have the motivation i need, because ive found a...
  3. T


    is anyone else who's studying "speeches" as part of modules finding it impossible to learn all 12!?!?! anyone going to take their chances and learn 2?
  4. T

    catch 22

    mmm. silly me took my teachers advice and decided to do catch 22 as one of my powerplay texts. i have no idea where to start?!?!? has anyone got any notes on the novel?
  5. T

    too late?

    yeah, so pretty much my aim was to be "good" in year 12. i did alright in school till i bludged through year 10 did no work for the whole or yr 11. nice.. so far i havent been studying, didnt study for my half yearly exams.. gotten average marks so far minus the ext maths half yearly i did...